Reiki, pronounced (Ray-Key), is a Japanese energy healing modality founded by Mikao Usui Sensei in Japan, during the early 1920s. Reiki utilizes the Universal life force energy to reduce pain, and inflammation, and promote the healing of virtually all ailments; physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
Reiki, the name of this natural healing system, is made of two Japanese Kanji symbols meaning Universal (Rei) Life-force Energy (Ki).
This Ki energy, also known in India as Prana, and in China as Chi, is the essence that runs through all living beings giving them the spark that differentiates them from non-living things. We are born possessing this healing, life-essential Ki energy, and when it leaves our body, so do we leave this world.
The Life-force, or Ki, is more essential to life than even oxygen. For example, modern medicine can give a body breath artificially, but it can not give a body continued life after the Life-force has left the body.
Reiki healing is administered to the Client from the Reiki Practitioner’s palms using light touch, or often no touch, as the Practitioner’s hands hover a few inches above the Client’s body.
Where does this healing energy come from? It comes not from the Practitioner’s personal storage of Ki, but from the infinite, Universal storehouse.
The supply of Universal Ki is unlimited, therefore the practitioner is never depleted of their own Ki, but rather are replenished with additional Universal Ki, as it channels through their body, healing them before it reaches the body of the Client. Thus, to give a Reiki session, is also to receive one.
Balance your body's natural healing pathways with energy healing and sound frequency. We are electromagnetic beings that can sometimes 'short circuit' ending in physical illness and/or mental stress. Bring yourself into alignment with the relaxation feeling of universal energy and sound frequency.
Sound Frequency
Sound frequency therapy, also known as sound healing or vibrational medicine, is based on the principle that everything in the universe vibrates at specific frequencies. This includes our bodies, organs, and even our thoughts and emotions. The therapy uses specific sound frequencies to restore balance and harmony within the body and mind.